The Gyrocopter Experience


Prices and terms may vary by location due the different specifications of aircraft available at that location. Please refer to the Prices page for each location.

* Flying Solo in our Gyrocopter

In order to fly solo in a School Gyrocopter you must agree to the following:

  1. You will sign a "Bend it, Mend it" agreement which states that you will be responsible for any uninsured losses incurred as a result of damage to the machine whilst in your care. Your liability will be limited to the first £7,500.
  2. You will pay us a returnable bond of £5,000 which we will hold until you complete your solo training. This would be used towards repairs in the event of damage to the Gyrocopter and is fully refundable if there is no damage.
  3. You will pay a £500 contribution towards the additional insurance costs we incur as a result of allowing students to fly solo on our school machines. This is non-refundable and lasts for up to a year.
  4. Your maximum liabililty is limited to a total of £7,500 of which £5,000 will have been pre-paid (see item 1 above).

Gyrocopter Hire

In March 2013, the law changed to allow factory built Gyrocopters to be hired in the UK. When you obtain your Gyrocopter Pilot's licence there is now an option to hire Gyros subject to a set of terms and conditions. If you own a Gyrocopter and you would like to hire it out to other pilots, please contact your local flying school for details.

Access to Online Training Material

All Gyrocopter Experience student pilots are recommended be able to access the online training and e-learning platform held within the GyropediaTM. The Gyropedia (developed by the International Ascociation of Professional Gyroplane Training IAPGT) contains the online training material that supports the pilot training course. The subscription is currently £120 per annum.

Membership of the local flying club

All students (with the exception of people who only fly as part of an initial Air Experience event) may be required to join the local Flying Club. The annual membership fee will vary from location to location - see the information about each location for prices and more information.